Dry cupping now available at Wellbeing Centre

August 21 2019 | Golf

Hever Castle Health & Wellbeing is proud to offer dry cupping with Amy as one of its new treatments for golfers, local people and visitors.

This alternative therapy, popular with high profile athletes such as Michael Phelps and celebrities originates from China and involves cups being applied to the skin to create suction and a stretch in the muscle. It helps to increase blood flow and the stretch reduces tension and pain.

Dry cupping can be used to treat conditions such as muscle pain, back pain, headaches and stress.

It is useful when an area is too large for massage or when massage isn’t effective or can be used in combination with massage.

Lisa Allen said after her first dry cupping treatment: “I was apprehensive about the treatment but Amy soon put me at ease. It was pain free and targeted areas of tension. Amy did a massage first to access where I had tension and put the suction cups on those areas for 5-15 minutes. Then she used massage and hot stones to loosen the area. I was left with a few red marks, some of which disappeared after a few hours and some which took a few days to go.”

To book a dry cupping treatment click here