Schools Triathlon Days at Hever Castle

September 12 2016 | What's on

Twenty local schools are being given the chance to ‘tri’ triathlon at Hever Castle this week in two unique cross curriculum days of sport and history.

Taking place on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 September and organised by the Castle Triathlon Series, the Schools Triathlon Days involve a half-day of triathlon training and half-day of cultural learning about the historic venue and setting.

All of the activity is curriculum linked helping schools achieve their statutory requirements whilst keeping the children healthy and inspired by one of the world’s fastest growing sports.

Schools Tri

Alison Saunders, Head teacher at St Lawrence primary school (Stone Street), took part in the initiative pilot in 2015 and enthused about the experience: “This is a unique and exciting opportunity for the children to be exposed to a contemporary and popular sport. It is our role to expose children to changing trends in learning and sport and help motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Triathlon broken down is swimming, cycling and running so naturally part of a child’s life, and we hope to use this fun platform as a creative way of delivering the curriculum and benefiting the children.”

The children from St Lawrence School who took part last year raved about the experience:

“It was an opportunity to do something new and it was great fun.”
“It gave me a chance to find out what a real triathlon was like.”
“I felt really proud of myself when I’d finished.”
“I think swimming in the lake was better than swimming in a swimming pool.”

Parents have jumped at the chance for their children to be included: “Traditional PE needs to be spiced up, this is a great way to get the children more excited,” said mum, Patricia Reilly, Penshurst School.

As the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, Hever Castle is the perfect setting for this initiative. Not only does it offer a large lake for the swim and stunning course all set within the castle grounds, but it is steeped in history encouraging enriched learning.

Schools Triathlon

Please note – the students will be in the Castle and grounds throughout the day on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 September. Staff will work to minimise any disruption to day visitors.

For more information on this event please contact the Castle Triathlon team.